School and Home Interaction in Mathematics

The above study of mathematics learning with Home Interaction and School Interaction was done with
N=2500. We can see in the model that Self-Esteem is one of the most important predictors of Motivation and Achievement. The next important question is what is behind the Interaction?

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When I made the Interaction theory of Learning, I got the most important ideas from Bowlby’s Attachment theory. I usually used three categories:

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The picture above shows very clearly that Interaction, Self-Esteem, and Motivation are the most important predictors of mathematics learning in the present model. The School Interaction should have an impact on the latent variables: Self-esteem, Motivation and Achievement.

Observe that there is an arrow from School Interaction towards Motivation, but the coefficient is too low. It would mean that the teacher should motivate the students by making the Self-Esteem better. Motivation should be, however, Intrinsic Motivation. Home Interaction has impacts on Self-Esteem and Motivation. They are very significant even if they are lower than the school (teacher) impacts. Especially the parental attitudes how the children like their mathematics and teacher are quite important predictors of mathematics learning.We wish you very interesting moments with your mat book and math learning.

Our Best Regards

Kai­su and Pert­ti

vol 111.9.2013