Pol­ku­ja pe­lin­o­mai­sen op­pi­mi­sen vii­dak­koon: Pe­lien ja op­pi­mi­sen kes­kei­siä kä­sit­tei­tä.

Tuu­la Nou­si­ai­nen, Agora Center, Jy­väs­ky­län yli­o­pis­to:

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Mikä saa käyt­tä­mään pe­le­jä ope­tuk­ses­sa? Tu­lok­sia opet­ta­jil­le suun­na­tus­ta ky­se­lys­tä

Tuu­la Nou­si­ai­nen, Agora Center, Jy­väs­ky­län yli­o­pis­to

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Robertson, J. (2012). Making games in the classroom: benefits and gender concerns. Computers & Education 59 (2), 385–398.

Van Eck, R. (2006). Digital Game- Based Learning: It’s Not Just the Digital Natives Who Are Restless. EDUCAUSE Review 41 (2), 16–30.

Vos, N., van der Meijden, H. & Denessen, E. (2011). Effects of constructing versus playing an educational game on student motivation and deep learning strategy use. Computers & Education 56 (1), 127–137.

Yang, Y.-T. C. & Chang, C.-H. (2013). Empowering students through digital game authorship: Enhancing concentration, critical thinking, and academic achievement. Computers & Education 68, 334–344.

Löy­tö­ret­kil­lä toi­ses­sa maa­il­mas­sa, vol 2Lau­ri Pirk­ka­lai­nen & Pet­ri Lou­nas­kor­pi (toim.),12/ 2013, 19.11.2013